Splatterhouse 2 Rom/Emulator file, which is available for free download on games on your Windows PC, Mac, Android and iPhone. This game has been selected by 11, players, who appreciated this game have given 4,1 star rating/5(). Play Splatterhouse 2 for free with your friends. Splatterhouse 2 free download You can Download Splatterhouse 2 ROM from for Sega Genesis. Kigashicage 17 August 2020: les vacances de mr bean film complet gratuit Free Sonic Mania Plus apk download android mobile Free.Īrashicage 19 June 2020: watch indian tv shows free online Downloads: 2,+ (for Android) Report app for spam or abuse! Games > Arcade. Rick returns to the West Mansion to kick evil’s ass and save his (real) girlfriend in Splatterhouse 2. The graphics are as gross as possible on a Bit system and the sounds are eerie.8/10(2). The game play could use a little work, especially concerned how the main character jumps. Splatterhouse 2 is one of the better action games available for the Genesis. It’s an action game, set in a horror, zombies and beat ’em up / brawler themes/5(5). Here is the video game “Splatterhouse 2”! Released in on Genesis, it’s still available and playable with some tinkering.